What does a 37-degree day and writing a blog have to do with one another? Nothing if you don’t live in Chicago and if you are not a runner. To me, a calm, sunny 37-degree day in Chicago, means I can’t wait to find my shoes and run outside. All dressed and ready to go, the only thing bothering me was that I still hadn’t figured out what to call my blog. I knew that the blog had to be the intersection of writing and English and Spanish. People often talk about the runner “high” as if it is some magical thing that happens once you hit mile 1 or mile 2 but for me, clarity of mind is what I get from my runs. I seem to shake out the cobwebs. I guess perhaps that could be interpreted as a “high”. I have always been fascinated by the meaning of the word scribe in English and how closely it relates to the word escribir in Spanish. So as I ran I began to toss around the words scribe and write. Much to my surprise, when got back from my run and read more into the etymology of the word scribe I was sure I found the name of my blog. Thirty-seven degrees to some people may be a cold chilly day in Chicago but to me, it was an opportunity to do what I love and to land on a blog name that connects so many of my interests and passions. I guess the “high” did happen during my run even if I didn’t realize it was happening.
Hoy quiero escribir sobre Gloria Anzaldúa. Un poeta, una feminista y un erudito. Hoy leí una cita de ella que nunca antes había notado escrita en una pared en mi trabajo. Esta noche encontré una poema que toca mi alma. Gloria escribió que el lenguaje es una frontera para todos. Una frontera que todos debemos cruzar para definir quiénes somos. Los libros salvaron mi cordura, el conocimiento me abrió lugares que había cerrado y me enseñó primero a sobrevivir y luego a cómo volar.
Nothing like a run for inspiration, and I'm loving your blog name, LeeAnne! I can't wait to get back to running, but I'm still waiting for a bit warmer weather!